Fabless semiconductor.
BSG has done searches in fabless semiconductor across the functional spectrum (CEO, board, VP Engineering, VP Product, VP Sales, etc.) including in the mobile, automotive and telecommunications sectors.
Our clients and search work have seen a migration from more traditional seat-licensed enterprise software to newer innovations in software distribution models such as SaaS (Software as a Service), and MSP (Managed Service Provider). Clearly, the ubiquity of the Internet and broadband connectivity were the primary drivers. Along with them came new business models we’ve had the opportunity to help staff at the executive levels, including mobile applications, social networking, e–commerce, and interactive video and media.
In addition, certain brick and mortar industries have been early adopters of the Internet as a distribution channel, and we as a firm have worked at the board director, CEO/C–level, and VP levels in areas including e-travel and Internet video. Both B2B (business–to–business) and B2C (business to consumer) are yet other ways of thinking about how technology is directed. BSG Team Ventures has been an integral part in building executive leadership teams targeting both end-customer segments.
On-premises enterprise software.
Also referred to as perpetual licensed software, our search expertise goes back into the 1990’s. While there are still applications where this remains critical (high security government, some financial services, and developing country software deployment with less reliable Internet infrastructure), most software ISVs have or are developing a parallel Internet subscription offering, and weaning clients off client-server driven software solutions. Early enterprise software experience BSG developed includes ERP & CRM.
SaaS (software as a service):
SaaS followed ASP of the early 2000’s, and is where most of our clients are developing their solutions. Greater recurring revenue models (MRR, etc.), faster deployment and go-live cycle times, and the ability for SaaS developers to do rolling software releases with a greater focus on configurability vs. customization have been big drivers.
Internet infrastructure software (cloud, etc.).
AWS (Amazon Web Services), Microsoft Azur.
Ecommerce software.
Big data.
Big data arrived before the popularization of IoT/Internet of Things, but certainly exploded with the profusion and ease of data collection off Internet-connected sensors and devices. But Big Data was first enabled by the combination of opensource software development like Hadoop & MongoDB with cloud-based storage availability that reduced the cost of collecting, storing, accessing and manipulating huge masses of data. A subsequent big data revolution has been enabled by the likes of packaged software developers like Tableau, Splunk and others who offer a combination of analytics horsepower and ease of data manipulation and visualization, bringing closer and closer the holy grail of big data sometimes referred to as real-time, executive-generated insights, with no more need for computer experts, spreadsheet jockeys, or deep data science expertise.
Video streaming software.
Video related software continues to be an area in which BSG has done significant work. Whether in the audio & video compression algorithms making streaming music and video faster, thinner, and easier, or in digital rights management related applications, eCDNs or media servers, enterprise content management, knowledge management, and learning development systems.
Mobile software.
Including content, community and commerce as well as “down-the-stack” enabling software involved in security, etc. The mobile ecosystem is such a large field that BSG has a body of searches over the last decade or more that has allowed us to accrue a layered expertise only possible by being involved from the dawn of the mobile platform, pre-iPhone and the ensuing explosion of mobile post Apple’s first iOS.
Artificial intelligence.
AI has been accelerating as a sector of innovation over the last decade. One of the first searches we did in the AI was for CEO of an MIT AI application for emotional simulation for K12 market called Zoesis back in the early 2000’s. Applications for AI and the increasing computing power and programming sophistication now bring the AI character HAL from 2001 Space Odyssey into the realm of the possible. Also, voice recognition, a key component of good AI cognition has grown by leaps and bounds, and is now considered to be the primary user interface for devices of all kinds going forward.
BSG for more than a decade has been retained to build out the leadership teams for growing financial services related software applications. From hedge fund software, to HNW (high net worth) CRM systems, to trading platform software.
ehealth/healthcare IT.
More on our healthcare specialization can be found under the healthcare practice area. However, suffice it to say, HIT, or eHealth, in all of its applications, is another large focus for BSG’s software practice. The healthcare technology ecosystem parallels the education industry from a decade ago--so much inefficiency, so little connectivity and communication, so much done manually that could be more accurately and efficiently and less expensively done using software. And the 4 key stakeholders in healthcare-- government, healthcare insurers, healthcare providers both hospitals and the doctors and caregivers who practice in and around, them and finally the patients. BSG has worked on executive searches for pharmacogenetics, bioinformatics, HEOR (health economics & outcomes research), hospital information management systems (HIM), EMR, and other related areas like physician insights data, market research, KOL (key opinion leader) software management, and more. It’s a wide and growing field. We remain committed to remaining at the forefront.
BSG has had the privilege of being retained on a number of searches in areas such as:
Internet of Things (IoT).
- Automotive autonomy. BSG has been retained on a growing number of searches in the autonomy related sector. From automotive OS reflashing, to LiDAR, Radar, GPS, ADAS, and more.
- Out-of-Band connectivity. Mobile connectivity beyond wired or wifi connected devices.
- Other wearable devices and healthcare sensors.
One of the first searches we did was back in 2010 for an agricultural robotics CEO (Harvest Automation). As the market both for industrial robots, and other robotics applications grows, BSG continues to deepen its specialization in this exciting area of technology.

Medical devices, equipment, healthcare related.
BSG has a track record of working in the 510K Class I and Class II devices area. With the fusion of software, firmware, and medical hardware, advanced systems for medical diagnostics, devices, and monitoring research are a large and continually growing industry, and one where BSG has has played a pivotal role in building out executive teams to meet the needs of the medical device and related sectors.