As BSG, the talent acquisition arm of Talent Sequencing, we're excited to share our latest insights on the transformative impact of private equity...
The culmination of best-in-class psychometric tools under the direction of a trained PhD clinical psychologist—to efficiently and effectively uncover the invisible spectrum of a candidate's profile.
The Problem BSG Discovered: Fundamentally, “the soft stuff is the hard stuff” as the expression goes. What does that mean in executive search parlance? “Finding” candidates is easy, assessing them is hard. How do you most efficiently, accurately and effectively get into what we’ve termed the “invisible spectrum” of a candidate’s profile… what is NOT easily visible on resume, or in traditional interviews?
The Solution BSG Developed: Team Fit Analysis
BSG has harnessed the best-in-class validated psychometric set of tools to a trained PhD clinical psychologist, to create metaphorical “night vision” goggles and better assessment of “the unobvious.”
As BSG, the talent acquisition arm of Talent Sequencing, we're excited to share our latest insights on the transformative impact of private equity...
We get asked a lot of questions. That is natural—after all, when you're considering who to place your trust in for a high-level upcoming executive search you're going to need to cover all the details up front. But in our 20-year experience we have detected a clear pattern of the most frequently asked questions and concerns from prospective clients.
We've gone ahead and compiled them here, as answered by Managing Director Clark Waterfall. He's (quite literally) heard it all and answered it all before. We invite you to join him and get to know BSG.
We believe that the globe of talent is comprised of two hemispheres – optimizers and builders. Each is critical for different stages of company growth and development.
BSG's focus is on the builders.