Clark Waterfall on Nov 10, 2016 9:26:12 AM
What’s the recipe for a CEO’s success? A study led by Professor of Entrepreneurship and Finance, Steven N. Kaplan at the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business and Professor of Finance, Morten Sorenson, at Copenhagen Business School, analyzed 2,600 executive assessments and thirty characteristics for top executives. They found that CEO success boils down to just four. READ MORE »
BSG Team Ventures is dedicated to thought leadership on topics of interest and relevance to executives who are building their companies, and the investors who invest in them. We call these executives Builder Leaders - and this is the talent in which we specialize on behalf of our clients.
There is a tremendous amount of research being published on leadership, and our goal is to curate that material and share it within our community. Feel free to forward this to other leadership peers, executives in portfolio companies, or investors who may have interest in staying current on the latest thinking in these areas.
We believe that the globe of talent is comprised of two hemispheres – optimizers and builders. Each is critical for different stages of company growth and development.
BSG's focus is on the builders.